Amanda Follett Hosgood
Amanda Follett Hosgood is a part-time writer and full-time mom who lives in a straw-bale house full of old, rusty things just outside Smithers.
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Wheelin’ in the North
Road trips are great, but there’s really no better way to see a new place than from the seat of a bike.
READ MORE➦Wabi-sabi: The beauty in the bulge
Straw bale houses aren’t for folks who like straight lines and clean edges.
READ MORE➦Untangling the pipeline debate:What does LNG mean for BC?
Proposed liquefied natural gas (LNG) projects would run pipelines clear across the North.
READ MORE➦Tumbler Ridge wins Global Geopark status. What’s next for northern BC’s geological mecca?
Folks in Tumbler Ridge aren’t strangers to uncertainty. Perhaps that’s why a delegation at the sixth International UNESCO Conference on Global Geoparks in Saint John, NB wasn’t going to celebrate until they heard the name they were waiting for: Tumbler Ridge Global Geopark.
READ MORE➦Tumbler Ridge: Canada’s newest geopark?
Tumbler Ridge was founded over 30 years ago on a single resource: coal.
READ MORE➦This land is your land: Community-driven plan a first in BC
It’s common wisdom to never discuss politics or religion. But if you live in northern BC, you might want to add “trail use” to that list.
READ MORE➦The Unplanned Exodus: Smithers opens doors for refugee families
Every morning, Akram Khalil and Montaha Awil awake to social media.
READ MORE➦The Salmon Cycle: Keeping Salmon sustainable and close to home
It’s unknown exactly how long the Lake Babine people have relied upon salmon. For countless generations, ocean-run sockeye made its way from the Pacific, up the Skeena River, to the Babine River and its spawning grounds at Babine Lake, sustaining the nation while also providing a resource to trade with other nations.
READ MORE➦The Rescuers
Every year, volunteers from across the province save lives, plucking the lost from the backcountry. Contributing editor Amanda Follett Hosgood talks to search-and-rescue groups to gain some insight into the complexities and challenges facing SAR organizations in northern BC.