Frances Riley
Frances Riley is a part-time writer, part-time musician and full-time outdoor addict living in sunny Prince Rupert. Raised on a sailboat and currently apprenticing in the mountains, she loves singing–and writing– northern BCs praises.
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Sharing Something Good: Renowned Rupert Restaurant Releases Recipes
It’s not much bigger than your average home’s kitchen and dining room, but Prince Rupert’s Cow Bay Café has a powerful reputation that belies its modest square footage. For 16 years, eating a meal at this cosy gem of a restaurant (if you can get a reservation) has been as much an essential Rupert experience as having your brolly blown inside-out by a gale. It’s a favoured destination for special birthday tète-a-tètes, business lunches for suits from the Port, and dinners to show off its charming waterfront location to family and visitors from away
Don’t Mess with the Estuary: Skeena mouth threatened by development near and far
Over the past few years, protection of the Skeena River has received a lot of attention.
Deep Art: Creative reports from the wilds of Gwaii Haanas
The concept was simple: take several artists, remove them from their usual surroundings, and immerse them in the wildest parts of Gwaii Haanas—the rugged, mossy park that covers much of the remote southern end of Haida Gwaii. With only a guide and each other for company, this would promote an intense absorption with the landscape, deeply influencing the resulting artwork.
Beautiful Beaches in Northern BC
It’s hard to get away from the water in northern BC…as if anyone would want to.
Backyard Chickens: Community Coop-keeping coming into its own?
For some, it’s a stride forward on the road to food security and sustainability. For others, it’s a step away from civilized, modern societies.