Joanne Campbell
Joanne Campbell is many things but mathematician is not one of them. She is pleased, however, to be able to count herself lucky. She is also publisher of Northword Magazine.
More Stories:
Work to live…or live to work?
There are two types of modern day pioneer that make their way here in north-central BC.
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Driving home from work I travel the back road; it’s long and straight with fallow fields fringed with forest on either side.
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Ah, spring! The season of birth and revelation and renovation. Most of all, spring—around these parts anyway—is the season of......wait for it..... waiting.
READ MORE➦Time to Put Me Out to Pasture
On days when work and life and everything that’s crazy in the universe converge at a singularity inside my head, I get overwhelmed to the point of having trouble speaking.
READ MORE➦The three Rs of pest control
Pest: “A destructive insect or other animal that attacks crops, food, livestock, etc.” Also, “An annoying person or thing; a nuisance.”
READ MORE➦The sweet, simple life: bikes, tomatoes and putting down roots
If there is one through-line in this issue of Northword it surely reflects the quote above: at its heart, it’s about our search for simplicity, and for that which is necessary and real.
READ MORE➦There’s something in the water
Living here is exhausting. And that’s a good thing! I find that there is no such thing as a quiet weekend or a take-it-easy week—and it’s not just me! Most of the people I know are so busy this time of year it can be a challenge to pin them down for the next event.
The Paradox of Anyox—New hope springs from old mine site
What does it feel like to stand in the middle of a slagheap? To climb around the innards of an old-but-not-forsaken dam? Or to pick your way across a falling-down power plant whose crumbling floors could swallow you with nary a burp?