Photo Credit: corrin peet
Good Egg Records
Good things keep happening in Prince George, that city right smack dab in the middle of BC. The latest? A home-grown record label. Long-time musician, radio programmer, music director, and writer Britt Meierhofer recognized the need and saw an opportunity to consolidate part of the already tight-knit Prince George music community and present a united front under the Good Egg banner.
Originally created in 2016, the label was for Meierhofer’s own project Britt A.M. But she noticed that so many individual artists struggle for the same exposure, recording, and touring opportunities—efforts that could be simplified and strengthened by working together.
“Creating a solidified presence opens up our visibility and allows for more resources to be available,” Meierhofer says, “and therefore creates an easier path to the national eye.” And so she opened the Good Egg carton and started collecting a strong roster of local artists.
Officially launched as a record label in the spring of 2018 both on a new website and via the digital platform Bandcamp—a medium for labels and bands of all types to represent themselves and allow for easy and direct listener support—Good Egg Records released a compilation in April called Scrambled Eggs featuring a track from each of the 11 artists on the roster. Yours to download for $7 (or more).
The kind of work Meierhofer is doing with Good Egg Records is helping Prince George on its way to become a cultural centre of BC. While the classic rockers from yonder year and other big acts still come through and play the arenas, the work getting done down in the trenches of the local arts scene is the kind of work that lets the average person enjoy a casual night out to watch a band and not pay $80 for a ticket. The kind of shows that makes you feel like art is alive in your town, not just passing through.
With a goal to have each artist on the label record a new album by the end of the year, you could say that the eggs are cracking over at Good Egg Records. Head over to goodeggrecords.com (or find them on Bandcamp) to check out the artists, listen to some great tracks, and help support original music created in the heart of BC.
— David McTavish