Music: Kamasi Washington

🕔Mar 09, 2018

Two years after the epic release of The Epic—a three hour critically acclaimed masterpiece—Kamasi Washington is back with a six song EP showcasing all that is good in his interpretation and leadership of a modern jazz band.

Like in The Epic,  Harmony of Difference takes you on a journey from soft whispers to a full on roar all in the span of 32 minutes. Those familiar with Kamasi will recognize the soaring melodies and song structures that are his style, and each song showcases a bit of something the others don’t. Rhythms change from jazz to disco to latin and back again, and solos get shared—even the cello player gets a moment to shine in this EP, and these solos will impress—this band doesn’t mess around. 


Kamasi Washington, possibly the best tenor sax player out there, has assembled an amazing band, and has packed this EP full to the brim with a variety of instrumentation, unique arrangements, and melodies not found in most other current jazz offerings. This record won’t disappoint other than it’s short. Here’s looking forward to his upcoming 2018 sophomore album and hoping it’s at least a double LP.

— David McTavish
