Emily Bulmer
Emily Bulmer is a longtime Smithereen who enjoys subjecting herself to unscientific experiments in living. She occasionally records her findings and reports positive results most of the time.
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The Path of the Herbalist
Imagine dried herbs, ground-up roots and powdered barks carefully labelled and arranged in neat wooden boxes, dried berries wrapped in a deer skin pouch or willow bark being boiled in a cast iron pot over an open campfire.
The Northern Garden Gamble: know when to hold ‘em, know when to sow ‘em
When the robins are back and the pussy-willows are in their prime, northern gardeners emerge from hibernation and start pacing around the piles of snow and sodden earth, trying their best to be patient until spring really arrives so the planting can begin.
The asparagus exSPEARiment: Once established, this tender perennial is a welcome addition
I cuss, you cuss, we all cuss for asparagus!
Smokin’ Good Fish: Many ways to smoke a salmon
A slight breeze rustles the aspen leaves, and on it drifts the distinct scent of a northern summer. It could be a campfire or a Bar-B-Q, but when the days are long and when the salmon are running, the smell of smoke carries with it the flavour of curing fish and the promise of good eating throughout the winter.
Singing, Winging Signs of Spring: How casual bird watchers are contributing to scientific knowledge
As the snow melts and reveals muddy pathways, neglected dog deposits and last fall’s unfinished yard work, many people just want to get the heck out of town.
Seed-saving——a heritage tradition for the future
Before ordering seeds from a catalogue was common, seed-saving from the backyard and trading with neighbours was a tradition that generations of gardeners followed to keep harvests plentiful.
Sauna: A primer for the uninitiated
A hot sauna is the perfect place to recover from a hard day of physical labour, a stressful day at work, or to relax with friends and enjoy good conversation. Northerners crave heat during the long, cold winter, and having a sauna is an inexpensive alternative to hopping on a plane to a tropical isle.
On track with the right wax
Out on the ski trails, a properly chosen and correctly applied wax can make the difference between tranquility and torment.